Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Progressive Realization (Mark 8:22-26)

The Gospel for today is the second healing of Jesus that seems to be more elaborate than necessarily. The first one involved the man who was deaf and dumb. This one involved a blind man. The cure now involved Jesus rubbing spittle on the man's eyes and the first time around, the man can see people but as if they were trees. So Jesus rubs the man's eyes again and this time the man sees clearly.

According to the notes, the location of the passage is important. It is sandwiched between Jesus getting frustrated with the disciples for not understanding what he said about the leaven of the Pharisees and Jesus and Jesus getting mad at Peter for not accepting that Jesus had to suffer and die.

The notes say that the gradual healing of the man's eyes was symbolic of the process that the disciples would go through in recognizing who Jesus was and what that meant. And if we think about it, they didn't really get it until the Pentecost.

We can call this the principle of progressive realization. That recognizing God is rarely a one time event but a gradual process of seeing him.

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