Saturday, February 4, 2012

Processing (Mark 6: 30-34)

In Mark 6: 7 Jesus deploys his disciples to proclaim the Good News. In today's passage, the apostles come back and "The Apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught."

This reminds me of a word that we use a lot in our University: processing. That's when we get together after an event and report what we had done but more importantly what we had felt and thought during the event and what we had observed. Then we'd help each other "process" our experience: echo and/or sort out our feelings, work through our thoughts, provide perspectives to observations.

Sometimes we'd have a guide or formator who had the breadth of experience to level-up what we'd share. 

I've always envied the apostles because they had Jesus himself to process their experiences. Jesus was their guide, their formator. He worked intensively on twelve men and on these foundations, he built his Church. 

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