Wednesday, February 29, 2012

God Himself (Luke 11:29-32)

In today's Gospel, Jesus expresses exasperation at his generation for always demanding signs from him. The exasperation probably comes from the fact that there could be no greater sign than that which is signified itself i.e. God himself was among them.

The exasperation also came from the fact that agents from the past were heeded: Solomon taught the Queen of Sheeba who converted and Jonah preached to the Ninevites and they repented (much to Jonah's consternation).

If mere mortals could lead others to conversion, why is it that when God himself comes, he isn't as effective? Maybe it's because the idea that God himself would come was so unthinkable that anybody who claimed to be God and who acted as if he was God was delusional or from the devil (or was the devil himself).

Jesus says "there is something greater than Solomon here" and "there is something greater than Jonah here." Indeed, there was something greater than Solomon and Jonah but it was so great it was incomprehensible. Only people of faith could appreciate what was going on.

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